

The leap from team member to team manager is one of the most challenging career transitions. Our suite of interventions addresses the unique challenges faced by first-time managers, equipping them with a robust toolkit for success - from the foundatons of good management, through to some of the challenges new managers find the most challenging such as handling difficult conversations to fostering team innovation. We help new managers step into their roles with confidence, ensuring your organisation's succession planning bears fruit from day one.

For seasoned managers, our focus shifts to mastering advanced skills. We challenge existing leaders to refine their approach, creating highly engaged and productive teams through adaptability, situational leadership, and strategic thinking. Our interventions emphasise the crucial role managers play in empowering and enabling their teams, balancing day-to-day operations with long-term goals, and excelling in remote and distributed team management.Both new and experienced managers benefit from our emphasis on self-awareness, continuous improvement, and practical application. Going beyond theoretical knowledge, we provide immersive experiences and advanced tools, ensuring all managers are equipped to lead effectively in today's dynamic workplace.

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New Manager

The leap from team member to team manager is one of the most challenging transitions in any career. Drawing from cutting-edge psychological research and years of practical experience, we've crafted a suite of interventions that address the unique challenges faced by first-time managers. Imagine a workplace where new managers step into their roles with confidence, where teams thrive under fresh leadership, and where your organisation's succession planning bears fruit from day one. From handling difficult conversations to setting strategic goals, from giving constructive feedback to fostering team innovation, we equip your new managers with a robust toolkit for success. Effective managers are self aware, so ensuring they understand their preferred approaches, the impact this has on others, and areas of stretch and growth underpin our new manager interventions.

Effective performance management

In today's high-stakes business environment, the difference between good and great performance can make or break your organisation's success. Imagine a workplace where feedback flows freely and constructively, where every team member is motivated to excel, and where performance challenges are met with confidence and skill. Our interventions blend cutting-edge psychological research with practical, real-world applications, ensuring your managers don't just understand performance management concepts, but can apply them effectively in any situation. From setting SMART goals to conducting productive performance reviews, from delivering tough messages to celebrating successes, we equip your managers with a comprehensive toolkit for driving performance.

Collaboration for managers

In today's fast-paced, interconnected business world, the power of collaboration can make or break your organisation's success. Imagine a workplace where ideas flow seamlessly across teams, where conflicts transform into opportunities for growth, and where every interaction drives your company forward. Our interventions blend cutting-edge psychological insights with practical, real-world applications, ensuring your managers don't just understand collaborative concepts, but can apply them effortlessly in any situation. From fostering open communication to navigating complex team dynamics, from influencing without authority to resolving conflicts constructively, we equip your leaders with a comprehensive toolkit for driving collaboration.  Our tailored programs, rooted in proven psychological principles, transform how your teams interact, innovate, and perform. Whether it's through customized workshops, one-on-one coaching, or organisation-wide initiatives, we help you build a culture where collaboration isn't just encouraged - it's ingrained in every aspect of your business

Change management

In a business landscape where challenges evolve daily, your organisation's success hinges on the capability of its managers to adapt, inspire, and excel. Drawing from cutting-edge psychological research we cultivate managers who view each challenge as an exhilarating opportunity for growth and innovation. From understanding the different types of organisational change and the psychology of change and human reactions, to understanding the skills needed by managers to lead and manage change, such as developing a vision and strategy, communication and inspiring change by leading by example. In addition, change management from a people perspective might include training managers in stress management for themselves and their teams and building trust and psychological safety for the change journey.

Personal effectiveness for managers

Research consistently reveals a startling trend in organisations: many managers find themselves in management positions almost by accident. These 'accidental managers' often ascend from roles as individual contributors or technical experts, suddenly tasked with managing teams without adequate preparation. This abrupt transition can leave them grappling with a crisis of confidence and a lack of self-awareness. In today's fast-paced business landscape, this gap in managerial readiness can have far-reaching consequences. Highly skilled professionals who excel in their field may find themselves struggling to inspire teams, navigate conflicts, or drive organisational change. The very qualities that made them standout individual contributors might not translate directly into effective managers. We believe that with the right tools and insights, these accidental managers can transform into intentional, impactful leaders.  From mastering the art of prioritisation to conducting TOP meetings that actually move the needle, we equip leaders with tools to reclaim their schedules and focus on what truly matters.But personal effectiveness as a manager isn't just about self-management – it's about amplifying your impact on others. Our interventions delve deep into the nuances of one-on-one interactions, teaching managers how to transform routine check-ins into powerful coaching sessions that inspire growth and drive results.


Delegation is a critical management skill that involves entrusting tasks, responsibilities, and authority to team members. It's not just about offloading work; effective delegation is an art that empowers employees, fosters growth, and maximizes team productivity. When done right, delegation allows managers to focus on high-level strategic tasks while developing their team's skills and confidence. However, many managers struggle with delegation, often due to misconceptions or fears. They might worry about losing control, doubt their team's abilities, or feel it's faster to do everything themselves. Effective delegation requires trust, clear communication, and a willingness to support team members as they take on new challenges. Covering aspects such as understanding delegation, the common barriers and the delegation spectrum, through to identifying tasks suitable for delegation, aligning delegating tasks to an individual's development and setting clear expectations and objectives. Supporting managers to create safe working environments where questions are welcomed and constructive feedback is expected and where their own tendancies such as perfectionism might be a barrier to delegation are identified.

Wellbeing and resilience

In today's high-pressure business environment, the wellbeing and resilience of managers and their teams are not just nice-to-have qualities—they're essential for sustainable success. By investing in wellbeing and resilience, organisations don't just prevent burnout and mental health issues—they unlock new levels of creativity, engagement, and performance. Our program empowers managers to create environments where both individuals and teams can thrive, even in the face of challenges. From awareness and self-assessment, providing tools to evaluate the wellbeing and resilience of themselves and their teams, to recognising stress triggers and early warning signs. Understanding wellbeing and resilience and its impact on perfromance and the interconnection between personal and team wellbeing. Included in wellbeing and resilience is also an awareness and demystifying of mental health in the workplace, and how to reduce stigma and create a safe space to open up dialogue about mental health in the team. Supporting managers with resilience building techniques and emotional regulation are all part of supporting managers they are at set up for sustainable success.

Developing your team

At ETS we consistently see the direct link between employee engagement and development. The most engaged employees feel supported by their managers and feel they have development opportunities if they want them. We understand that great teams built, nurtured, and continuously developed. Supporting managers to build strong foundations, understanding their team dynammics, creating a shared vision and establishing team culture, through to empowering others, conducting meaningful career development discussions, identifying and nurturing high potential team members, resolving conflict and building high performing teams. This is all within the potential context of managing hybrid, distributed, multigenerational teams.


Our EDI interventions empower managers to lead the charge in creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments where every team member can thrive. Imagine a workplace where diversity is celebrated, where every voice is heard and valued, and where innovation flourishes through the power of diverse perspectives. From defining EDI and introducing the business case for equality, diversity and inclusion, recognising and mitigating personal and team bias, strategies for attracting and retaining diverse talent, fostering psychological safety in diverse teams, equal oppotunities in practice, EDI metrics and accountability and accessibility and inclusion. Our interventions go beyond the legal requirements, focusing on the psychological and practical barriers and opportunities for creating and sustaining diverse, equitable, and inclusive teams.

Problem solving and decision making

In today's complex business environment, a manager's ability to solve problems effectively and make sound decisions is paramount to organisational success. Imagine a workplace where every challenge is met with confidence, where decisions are made with clarity and precision, and where innovative solutions drive your organisation forward. From providing practical structured problem solving and decision making frameworks, to digging deeper into the psychology of problem solving, including the common barriers and pitfalls as well as mindsets for reframing challenges as opportunities, and how to embed this approach into a team.

HR topics

Effective management

Even seasoned managers need to consciously and continuously refine their skills to continue to manage  teams that are highly engaged and productive effectively. Focussed on the role managers play in ensuring team members are engaged, empowered and enabled, effective management goes beyond the basics to challenge existing managers to master advanced management skills, such as adaptability and situational leadership, creating and sustaining motivational and productive environments. Identifying and implementing a culture of continuous improvement and balancing the day to day with strategic goals. Mastering remote and distributed team management, leveraging technology and behaviour change. Our interventions goes beyond theoretical knowledge, providing managers with immersive experiences, advanced tools, and ongoing support.

Managing self as a manager

In the dynamic world of business, a manager's ability to lead others is intrinsically linked to their capacity for self-management. Whether it's using tried and tested tools such as 360-degree feedback or psychometrics, to increase self awareness or exploring emotional intelligence to improve self-regulation and resilience. A manager's personal brand and how they show up authentically as a manager, has a direct influence on their teams. How they 'walk the talk' and role model the desired behaviours is a continuous journey that starts with self awaremess and self management.

How we can help

We dig deep into your business to understand what’s missing before creating a tailor-made programme to help with building a well-equipped, high-performing team:

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